August 5, 2011

That's all

I really really don't like saying goodbye.

Whether parting for a few hours or moving 2,174 miles (to be exact) away, it is plain hard!

Putting on my sunglasses trying to hide the red eyes while I kiss my Mom and Dad, squeezing my little Cooper dog so hard he starts to growl at me, hugging the nephew's and niece so tight they can't get away, and a very serious "don't take chances now Blakes" from my Poppy, I do my best to be a tough girl, but it just hurts, that's all.

I keep reminding myself I am just a phone call away (or even just a flight away :) and for heaven's sake it's not like I'm moving away forever!! Could be just months.
Also keep reminding myself of a favorite quote by little orphan Annie.

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
~Carol Sobieski and Thomas Meehan, Annie

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