September 14, 2016

Seasons of life, with cabana life

Summer will forever be my favorite season. I'm such a warm weather girl. The sunshine and warm salt water just speak to my heart and soothe my soul. The years we spent living in Florida (the land of the endless summer is what they call it) just made my sunshine chasing self even more of a summer girl. It was perfection, we still we able to celebrate all the seasons, holidays, etc. Christmas in shorts and 75 degree weather, potted poinsettias donning all the porches, palm trees strung with christmas lights, beach days making "sandmen" instead of snowmen. It was pretty amazing. I got used to it and thoroughly loved it. However, there were (short) times I would miss the changes of the seasons. The turning of the leaves, beautiful Autumn colors, crisp cool mornings, and the smell of fresh snow on the ground. I did miss those aspects. I've been thinking a lot lately about seasons. Seasons of life as well. We are all in different seasons of life. Each season has its beauty, charm, and happiness, as each season also has its challenges, heartache, and discomfort. Although it would be nice to be able to stay comfortably in our favorite season, we can't. One thing we know is a constant in life is change. seasons change and continue to change. I have really been trying to LIVE this season of life I am in. Whether it's warm and sunny, full of palm trees and sparkling sea water every day, or cold and sometimes dark, living in the moment is something we will never regret. Last night I had to speak for a few minutes to a group of women at our church, I talked about seasons of life and the one thing I wanted to make sure to impress upon anyone listening was that no matter what season of life we might be in, we can find some joy. Don't focus on the many things you can't do in that particular season of life, instead focus on what you CAN do. Helping others, serving, free time, travel, hobbies, taking care of others, career, etc. Think about the many opportunities you have to make a difference and the ways that you can in your current season.

I love these photos of my and my girls because they so accurately show the season of life we are in right now. (Besides the piles of laundry, dirty dishes, and toys spread throughout the house)
We're exploring, we're growing, we're learning. We are always trying harder to be better, somedays it is easier than others. We love to play and giggle, run and laugh. We aren't perfect, but we are doing our best, and LIVING life, trying to soak up every single moment, because we all know these little ones wont be little much longer.

 These darling scalloped rash guards are from Cabana Life. I'm such a sucker for matching anything!
I especially love when they have some Mommy and Me Matchy Match!! 
These are so darling, yet so functional. 
Perfect for the little chillier nights, 
or a sunny day at the beach to protect those little arms from the sun.
The scallops! I just can't handle how cute they are. 

These softest ever towels are from Myhavlu

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