January 3, 2014

Just BE


I haven't been on the blog for two months. 
Between visitors, traveling, and being sick sick sick, I haven't had a minute to write. 
The first few months of pregnancy = total sickness for me. It's much better now, and I am feeling back to normal, and getting so excited just thinking about another sweet little babe on the way. 
Thinking about a fresh new year makes me smile. 
It's always so humbling and amazing to think back on the past year and also look ahead to a new one. 
I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do this year and what I want to accomplish, or resolutions I should call them.
I narrowed it down to one word, my motto for 2014.

Be present, first and foremost. I am going to strive to be present in every second of life. 
When I am with my family, actually BE with my family, no distractions- phones, instagram, etc. 
That is one aspect I am most desirable to actively pursue. I don't want to miss any minute of this sweet Rosie girl's life, simple because I was not living in the present moment. I can't even stand how fast time has already gone by, I certainly can't miss a moment. 
I am going to BE me! BE myself, BE who I want to be. 
When certain situations arise and I know who and what I should BE, no matter how tough it is,
 I will BE just that!
I love the thought of the millions of avenues this one word will be able to open. 
It can apply in every aspect of my life. 
I feel such an inspiring sense of excitement and motivation for 2014. 
I know it won't be easy, but I will strive every moment to just BE!!

What are your New years resolutions?
What inspires you this new year? I would love to hear. 


  1. Congrats! So awesome :) Love your word too!
