October 20, 2016

Best of Books for Babies and Children : The Little Gardener

I decided to start a new series here on the blog and Instagram; Blakely's Best of Books for Babes and Children. Lately I've been allowing my girls to watch more t.v. /movies more than usual, not that I really want to, but mostly out of nausea and pregnancy desperation ha! Along with the increase in show and electronics, I've seen an increase in anxious, bored, and a bit naughty, learned behavior. Whether or not its the actual content of the shows or just the lack of engagement and activity, I can tell its just TOO MUCH! As a parent you just know, you know the limits.  I'm not by any means giving parenting advice nor judging anyone regarding how much T.V. time you allow your kids (heaven knows I'm guilty of using those screens as babysitters) I'm just sharing my recent realization and in a sense putting into words my goals to replace t.v. time with books. I'm a definite believer in writing down goals, I HAVE to!  So here's to more memories of story time, the soaring of beautiful little imaginations, and life lessons to be remembered.

Now, onto the book for this week.

The Little Gardener
Emily Hughes

The tender story of persistence, hard work, and believing in what you are pouring your heart into.
It's a parable of purpose. At times it brings tears to my eyes while reading.
It conveys that no matter how small something or someone might be, you can influence and impact others, you have purpose and mean the world to someone.

"It is the assurance for anyone who has ever undertaken a labor of love against seemingly insurmountable odds and persevered through hardship, continuing to nourish that labor until the love emanates out, becomes contagious, and draws in kindred spirits as a centripetal force of shared purpose and enthusiasm.

You can find this book here on Amazon of course
and if you're local to SLC (I love to support a good old bookstore) The Kings English carries it as well.

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